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compression refrigerator中文是什么意思

用"compression refrigerator"造句"compression refrigerator"怎么读"compression refrigerator" in a sentence


  • 压缩式冰箱
  • 压缩式冷冻机
  • 压缩式制冷机


  • Research on performance of water vapor compression refrigerator
  • At the same time , mechanical compression refrigerators consume a big quantity of electric power and indirectly make the pollution problem severe , which bring forward a great challenge to the human ' s sustainable development
  • In this article , a research on how the change of latitude and direction of a solar powered long endurance aircraft effect the received solar power was developed . and on the basis of the car air conditioning , the thermal properties of the single - effect lithium bromide absorption hot - coldwater unit and two - stage lithium bromide absorption hot - coldwater unit applied in car and driven by high temperature cooling fluid of the car engine are advanced and compared . the technique of energetic optimization is employed to investigate the optimal performance of an irreversible hybrid air - conditioning system consisting of a vapor compression refrigerator cascaded with a solar - driver absorption refrigerator
用"compression refrigerator"造句  
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